Standing with the Church or Thinking for the Whole Community – RH Bill

Theme: RH Bill

Will you be at the church’s side opposing what they call anti-lifeĀ  or will you consider the country’s population and economic standing? Would you not want to stop producing babies by contraceptives or would you like to limit your family to what you think is enough? Are you anti- or pro- Reproductive Health or Parenthood Bill (RH Bill)?

Churches, especially the Catholic Church, oppose the uplifting the RH Bill to the society because they depend that it promotes abortion and is anti-life or stops the birth of every couple. Their opinion is that they would rather have a big population than to control it. They are very outspoken at opposing the bill and they suggest that poor family must consider every unplan child to be adopted. Very strong suggestion to the government that might also be questioned by the pro- RH Bill. Read the rest of this entry »